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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Letter: Enough is Enough in Port Chester

Enough Is Enough !!!

Clueless Jing Xie, Who Was A Port Chester Candidate That Was Pressured To Step Down By Joe Kenner, Has Decided To Mail A Letter Written By Somebody Else: "Enough is Enough in Port Chester"


It is not bad enough that the people of Port Chester are forced to sit through a six-hour reality TV show if they want to watch village proceedings, but it is her own fault because they elected clowns like Sam Terenzi and Bart Didden.

It is not bad enough that Sam Terenzi did not pay his federal and state taxes for over av decade.

It is not bad enough that we still have to watch Bart "The Bigot" Didden join Terenzi on the board, as we hope that he wont mail out another batch of racist flyers and bring the US attorneys at the Department of Justice back to Port Chester.

It is not bad enough that Port Chester landlord Neil Pagano is to have 27 open permits on just one of his many Port Chester buildings.
It is not bad enough to to have three Port Chester Industrial Agency guys (Pagano, Kenner and Farrara) trying to take over the village board of trustees by teaming up with Terenzi and Didden.

Now We Have A Clueless Jing Xie Was A Port Chester Canidate Who Was Presured To Step Down By Joe Kenner Mailing A Letter Written By Somebody Else.


Maybe, someone should tell the very naive Jing Xie that Port Chester has a Chief Executive Officer, known as the Village Manager and his name is Christopher Steers,

Maybe, someone should tell the the very naive Jing Xie that Mr. Steers is responsible for managing the village on a day to day basis, and therefore it is Mr. Steers' responsibility to make sure our roads are not covered with snow or ice.

The Mayor and the Port Chester Board of Trustees set policy and make appointments.

If the Port Chester Village manager once again preforms badly durring a snow storm, then the mayor and board might have to jointly make some changes.

The people of Port Chester have an opportunity to put an end to this madness and get rid of Terenzi and Didden. It is time to put end to the reality TV show in Port Chester.

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