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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Letter: Ex-Business Partner Backs Port Chester's Ferrara


Frank Ferrara, has claimed to have been an equity portfolio manager for high-net-worth individuals for the last ten years and has been mailing a very suspicious letter of recommendation to just about every single Port Chester news and media outlet.

After ten years of working with " high-net-worth individuals" Mr. Ferrara can only offer up a letter from an "Anil Gupta" from some out fit called the "Five Oceans Group" in "New Delhi, India"?.

The problem is that Anil Gupta" from Five Oceans Group in New Delhi, India doesn't seem to exist, as you can see from this Google search....
It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Frank Ferrara for election to public office in your local village.
Our firms transacted business for many years. Because of the difficulties of international trade we work hard to insure we deal with only the most reputable firms and individuals and Mr. Frank, as he was known, always offered us a large degree of comfort on those counts.
He also has an ease in dealing with cross cultural issues, perhaps because he is so well traveled and spent so many years in financial dealings with people all over the globe. This experience and skill would serve him well in a village that we understand requires working with a vast mix of many different peoples.
Our old friend Mr. Frank would be well suited to such a task.
We are pleased to recommend him.
Anil Gupta,
Five Oceans Group
New Delhi, India

via Port Chester Daily Voice


You would think that there was a FiveOceansGroup.com if they had truly been "transacted business for many years" with Mr. Ferrara or "Mr. Frank" as he was supposedly known, but no. However, Go Daddy has parked it and is willing to sell it to you for a reasonable fee.....

Could Mr. Ferrara provide a street address and a business phone number for this mysterious Indian "Five Oceans Group" that supposedly bought steel from him while he was an "an equity portfolio manager" for the past ten years.

Many Port Chester residents are asking....

"If Mr. Ferrara was "an equity portfolio manager" for the past ten years, shouldn't he be registed with New York State or the National Association Of Securities Dealer (NASD)."
Shouldn't Mr.Ferrara, have taken the NASD Series 55 Exam if was truly "involved in the execution or processing of trades" "an equity portfolio manager" for the past ten years.


Port Chester Roundup's Republican sources say that Mr.Ferrara has fluffed his resume a bit and the only thing he manages is something he calls the "Ferrara Family Trust", which hold his personal and retirement assets. 
So lets see if we got this straight.....

Neil Pagano is the Chairman of the Port Chester Industial Development Agency (IDA) and is also the Republican party candidate who is running for mayor in Port Chester with Sam Terrenzi, who has a decade's worth of unpaid Federal and State taxes 
Now, Niel Pagano who is a Port Chester landlord is rumored to have 27 open permits on just one of his many Port Chester buildings, but who cares this is Port Chester and the rules don't apply to a guy like Neil Pagano.

Neil Pagano's cousin Bart "The Bigot" Dideen was too busy mailing racist flyers and did not have time to make sure that his office did not have a certificate of occupancy is also running for trustee with Pagano and Terenzi.
Again, who cares, the Good Old Boy Club of Port Chester can get away with anything.

Added to this mess is Port Chester Republican Chairman Joe Kenner, who is also running for trustee and is Neil Pagano's Vice Chairman of the Port Chester IDA.

But don't worry, you can trust Frank Farrara not to build the 820 rental units at United Hospital, because he also sits on the Port Chester IDA with landlord Neil Pagano.

What is this a Port Chester IDA take over of the Port Chester Board of Trustees?

Isn't the Port Chester Board Of Trustee's supposed to appoint and oversea the Port Chester IDA?
But the good news is that Frank Farrara comes highly recommended by Anil Gupta of the Five Oceans Group in New Delhi, India !!!!!

Well we can all sleep better tonight knowing that Bart Didden and Sam Terenzi have teamed up with three members of the Port Chester IDA.

What can possibly go wrong?

820 New Rental Units At United Hospital

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