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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bart Didden continues to attack Lopez and Hispanics - enough is enough!

Everyone in Port CHester knows about our infamous village racist, Bart Didden, who sent out the racist flyer during the mayoral village elections last march.

The flyer, as has been mentioned before, targeted Hispanics and Ms. Lopez, then Trustee Pilla's campaign manager. The flyer was a racial appeal for all non-Hispanic voters to not vote for Pilla because of his association with Lopez and the Hispanic community.

This writer has reported previusly that everything came to light when Didden was asked to testify at the federal court about his involvement with this flyer with the participation of Trustee John Crane and then Chair of teh Board of Education, Dom Bencivenga.

But the story does not end there people. THis writer has discovered by means of the Jounal News blog that Didden continues to attack Lopez and the Hispanic community, here are some examples:

Bart writes:
"The general belief is that Ms. Lopez's focus is solely supporting Hispanics here in Port Chester and surrounding communities. Unfortunately her actions speak volumes to this statement and there is no denying it.

Our problems are simple, over crowding, schools that could and should be better and density that is beyond the community’s ability to support it which is resulting in falling property values and tax increases."

His comments suggest that lopez only supports hispanics and that by doing that she is supporting the problems "caused" by hispanics who live in Port Chester.

Here is another one:
"The other flaw in the DOJ position is that there is no country called "Hispanic". The fact is that neighboring countries in Central and South America are either warring against each other or has border disputes constantly.

If these "Hispanic" governments had concern for others and other countries they would be as tough on the drug trade as this country that we live in. Drugs rob the potential life dreams from all people that take the drugs to all the family and friends around them. Drugs terminate the lives of those who have such potential to make a difference that is hurts the community as a whole, whether its Port Chester or not.

The problem is that there is no consensus in the Hispanic community as I believe that Hispanics gravitate more to the views of the country they come from rather than "Hispanic".

Hispanic, the way it is used by the DOJ, the members of the Board of Trustees and those that write here on this page is so generic that it is really a disservice to the Latinos across the country.

Back to Ms. Lopez, during her presentation of credentials for a board appointment she stated that she “has witnessed” overcrowded apartments, illegal apartments in attics and basements and “cockroach” infested living conditions.

What has Ms. Lopez done for these people?

She should have called the Village Building Department, or her good friends Pilla and Brakewood and reported such sub-human living conditions that are code violations.

Ms. Lopez has a duty to report these conditions since she is a committee member of a Village project and an appointed member to the Master Plan Advisory Committee. Failure to report should be a violation of the Village Code of Ethics."

Obviously, Bart Didden does not know what the word Hispanic means nor where it originates. Read up on your Hispanic history Bart. These comments are full of hatred and ignorance. Maybe Bart should review American history and read up on the involvement of the U.S. goverment in Latin America and the history of drugs in this county. Blaming Hispanics in Latin AMerica for creating the so called drug problem does not cut it. Then again, Bart did not finish college, so he missed out on a lot of information.

He continues to attack Lopez about her role in helping people who live in substandard conditions, and insinuates that she did not report these findings to the Buildings Department,/ How does Bart know Lopez did not report them? Maybe Lopez should report Bart for operating his business without a Certificate of Occupancy - huge violation right there. LEt's think, if Lopez did not report these violations then why have I seen Ms. Lopez in village court and town court helping tenants who are being harrassed by landlords? why do I see Lopez advocating for affordable housing and reading about her in the JN whenever there is an issue involving housing? Bart...just stop.

These words come from a coward who wrote a flyer anonymously, got caught by the federal government, sits comfortably on the planning board, yet he has not been referred to the Ethics committe, yet ,he keeps pushing for lopez to be referred to the ethics board.....is this guy for real?

His comments are absurd. He keeps insulting people because he honestly thinks that he is in his right to do that. It is a free country and he does have the right to free speech, no matter how dumb it may sound. Yet, he has to stop. Stop insulting the Hispanic community who is hard working. Stop insulting people like Ms. Lopez who is a well-respected Hispanic woman in Port Chester and throughout Westchester County.

What has Bart Didden done for this community? He has sued the village, has bullied his way to get what he wants, and threatens people when they do not agree to what he wants or says.

El racista del pueblo de Port Chester, Bart Didden, continua atacando a Lopez - YA BASTA!!

Toda la gente de Port Chester, conoce al racista infamoso del pueblo llamado, Bart Didden, quien mando un folleto anonimo durante las eleciones para la posicion de alcalde el Marzo pasado. El boletin acusaba a la srta. Lopez de solo representar a la comunidad Hispana y que todo lo que ella mandaba, el alcalde (entonces candidato) dennis pilla, tenia que obedecer. Aparte de eso, el boletin hacia un llamadao a toda la gente no hispana a que votaran en contra de Pilla por su asociacion con la comunidad Hispana, por medio de su consejera politica, quien era la srta. Lopez.

Este escritor habia escrito en previos mensajes, que todo salio a la luz cuando Bart Didden tuvo que testificar en la corte federal, y es ahi cuando admitio que el habia creado este boletin anonimo con la ayuda del Concejal John Crane, y el ex-presidente de la Junta de Educacion, Dom Bencivenga, que fue derrotado este ano durante las elecciones de educacion el mayo pasado.

Pero el cuento no para ahi... hemos descubierto, al hacer una investigacion por medio del Journal News y su blog de escritores, que el senor didden sigue atacando a la srta. lopez y a los Hispanos en general, aqui hay algunos ejemplos:

El Senor Didden escribe:
"The general belief is that Ms. Lopez's focus is solely supporting Hispanics here in Port Chester and surrounding communities. Unfortunately her actions speak volumes to this statement and there is no denying it.

Our problems are simple, over crowding, schools that could and should be better and density that is beyond the community’s ability to support it which is resulting in falling property values and tax increases."

"El sentimiento general es que el enfoque de la Srta. Lopez es de solo apoyar a los Hispanos de Port Chester y de las comunidades alrededor. Desafortunadamente, sus acciones hablan volumenes de lo que estoy diciendo y no hay porque negarlo.

Nuestros problemas son simples - la sobrepoblacion de personas en viviendas, escuelas que pueden y deben de ser mejores, y densidad que va mas alla de la abilidad de esta comunidad para soportarlo - en lo que resulta en la bajada de valores de propiedad e incrementos en los impuestos."

En ester comentario, es obvio que el senor didden sugiere que la srta lopez apoya a los Hispanos y tambien a los problemas supuestamente causados por la poblacion Hispana que vive en este pueblo.

Aqui va otro comentario:
"The other flaw in the DOJ position is that there is no country called "Hispanic". The fact is that neighboring countries in Central and South America are either warring against each other or has border disputes constantly.

If these "Hispanic" governments had concern for others and other countries they would be as tough on the drug trade as this country that we live in. Drugs rob the potential life dreams from all people that take the drugs to all the family and friends around them. Drugs terminate the lives of those who have such potential to make a difference that is hurts the community as a whole, whether its Port Chester or not.

The problem is that there is no consensus in the Hispanic community as I believe that Hispanics gravitate more to the views of the country they come from rather than "Hispanic".

Hispanic, the way it is used by the DOJ, the members of the Board of Trustees and those that write here on this page is so generic that it is really a disservice to the Latinos across the country.

Back to Ms. Lopez, during her presentation of credentials for a board appointment she stated that she “has witnessed” overcrowded apartments, illegal apartments in attics and basements and “cockroach” infested living conditions.

What has Ms. Lopez done for these people?

She should have called the Village Building Department, or her good friends Pilla and Brakewood and reported such sub-human living conditions that are code violations.

Ms. Lopez has a duty to report these conditions since she is a committee member of a Village project and an appointed member to the Master Plan Advisory Committee. Failure to report should be a violation of the Village Code of Ethics."

En estos comentarios, el senor didden dice que los Hispanos vienen en paises que estan constantemente en guerra entre ellos, y que nosotros somos problematicos. Que nosotros como Hispanos hemos creado el problema de la droga que ahora invade a este pais. Que por medio de nuestro apoyo a la droga, hemos malogrado las vidas de los ciudanos estadounidenses y que nosotros, como hispanos hemos causando tantos problemas aca. Obviamente, el Senor Didden no sabe de la historia del envolvimiento del gobierno estadounidence en Latino America, y tampoco sabe sobre como las drogas entraron a ester pais. Claro, como lo va saber, si el senor nunca termino la universidad. Mas ignoracia, tan evidiente.

Despues sigue atacando a lopez diciendo que ella, al escuchar su presentacion para ser nominada a la posicion de concejal, habla sobre las situaciones dificiles de las viviendas , pero que ella, (basado en su opinion de el) - no a hecho nada para ayudar a esta gente. Pero, como sabe Bart que ella no ha reportado estas condiciones al departamento de edificacion, Derrepente, seria mejor que la srta. lopez reporte a Bart por operar un negocio en un edificio que no tiene certificado de ocupacion - esta es una violacion grande. Hay que pensarlo, si la srta. lopez no reporta las violaciones, porque es que la he visto en las cortes locales ayudando a inquilinos que tienen problemas con sus apartamentos cuales duenos no quieren reparar?
Porque es que veo a la srta lopez apopyando por viviendas equitativas, y simpre leo sobre ella y su trabajo cuando el periodico jounal news escribe historias sobre problemas o temas relacionados a la vivienda? Bart...ya para.

Aparte de esto, el dice que la srta. lopez debe ser reportada a la comision de etica al no ayudar a la gente - estas palabras viene de este senor, que mando una boletin anomino encontra de la srta. lopez e hispanos en general, y bien campante tiene un lugar en la comision de planificacion de este pueblo, sin tener ningun temor de que el mismo sea reportado a la comision de etica

Estos comentarios de este senor son absurdos e ignorantes. Este persona sigue insultando porque cree que el esta correcto en sus palabras. Ya basta senor didden, de insultar a la gente hispana, que es trabajadora y luchadora. Ya basta de insultar a personas como la srta. lopez que es una mujer respetada por la comunidad entera - no solo en Port Chester pero por todo el condado. Que ha hecho el senor didden para esta comunidad, aparte de meterle juicio al pueblo, y
tratar de obtener lo que quiere por medio de insultos y amenazas?


Para leer mas sobre el comentario del senor didden y de otros haga click aqui: http://forums.nyjournalnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=41536&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15

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