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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bart Didden continues to attack Lopez and Hispanics - enough is enough!

Everyone in Port CHester knows about our infamous village racist, Bart Didden, who sent out the racist flyer during the mayoral village elections last march.

The flyer, as has been mentioned before, targeted Hispanics and Ms. Lopez, then Trustee Pilla's campaign manager. The flyer was a racial appeal for all non-Hispanic voters to not vote for Pilla because of his association with Lopez and the Hispanic community.

This writer has reported previusly that everything came to light when Didden was asked to testify at the federal court about his involvement with this flyer with the participation of Trustee John Crane and then Chair of teh Board of Education, Dom Bencivenga.

But the story does not end there people. THis writer has discovered by means of the Jounal News blog that Didden continues to attack Lopez and the Hispanic community, here are some examples:

Bart writes:
"The general belief is that Ms. Lopez's focus is solely supporting Hispanics here in Port Chester and surrounding communities. Unfortunately her actions speak volumes to this statement and there is no denying it.

Our problems are simple, over crowding, schools that could and should be better and density that is beyond the community’s ability to support it which is resulting in falling property values and tax increases."

His comments suggest that lopez only supports hispanics and that by doing that she is supporting the problems "caused" by hispanics who live in Port Chester.

Here is another one:
"The other flaw in the DOJ position is that there is no country called "Hispanic". The fact is that neighboring countries in Central and South America are either warring against each other or has border disputes constantly.

If these "Hispanic" governments had concern for others and other countries they would be as tough on the drug trade as this country that we live in. Drugs rob the potential life dreams from all people that take the drugs to all the family and friends around them. Drugs terminate the lives of those who have such potential to make a difference that is hurts the community as a whole, whether its Port Chester or not.

The problem is that there is no consensus in the Hispanic community as I believe that Hispanics gravitate more to the views of the country they come from rather than "Hispanic".

Hispanic, the way it is used by the DOJ, the members of the Board of Trustees and those that write here on this page is so generic that it is really a disservice to the Latinos across the country.

Back to Ms. Lopez, during her presentation of credentials for a board appointment she stated that she “has witnessed” overcrowded apartments, illegal apartments in attics and basements and “cockroach” infested living conditions.

What has Ms. Lopez done for these people?

She should have called the Village Building Department, or her good friends Pilla and Brakewood and reported such sub-human living conditions that are code violations.

Ms. Lopez has a duty to report these conditions since she is a committee member of a Village project and an appointed member to the Master Plan Advisory Committee. Failure to report should be a violation of the Village Code of Ethics."

Obviously, Bart Didden does not know what the word Hispanic means nor where it originates. Read up on your Hispanic history Bart. These comments are full of hatred and ignorance. Maybe Bart should review American history and read up on the involvement of the U.S. goverment in Latin America and the history of drugs in this county. Blaming Hispanics in Latin AMerica for creating the so called drug problem does not cut it. Then again, Bart did not finish college, so he missed out on a lot of information.

He continues to attack Lopez about her role in helping people who live in substandard conditions, and insinuates that she did not report these findings to the Buildings Department,/ How does Bart know Lopez did not report them? Maybe Lopez should report Bart for operating his business without a Certificate of Occupancy - huge violation right there. LEt's think, if Lopez did not report these violations then why have I seen Ms. Lopez in village court and town court helping tenants who are being harrassed by landlords? why do I see Lopez advocating for affordable housing and reading about her in the JN whenever there is an issue involving housing? Bart...just stop.

These words come from a coward who wrote a flyer anonymously, got caught by the federal government, sits comfortably on the planning board, yet he has not been referred to the Ethics committe, yet ,he keeps pushing for lopez to be referred to the ethics board.....is this guy for real?

His comments are absurd. He keeps insulting people because he honestly thinks that he is in his right to do that. It is a free country and he does have the right to free speech, no matter how dumb it may sound. Yet, he has to stop. Stop insulting the Hispanic community who is hard working. Stop insulting people like Ms. Lopez who is a well-respected Hispanic woman in Port Chester and throughout Westchester County.

What has Bart Didden done for this community? He has sued the village, has bullied his way to get what he wants, and threatens people when they do not agree to what he wants or says.

El racista del pueblo de Port Chester, Bart Didden, continua atacando a Lopez - YA BASTA!!

Toda la gente de Port Chester, conoce al racista infamoso del pueblo llamado, Bart Didden, quien mando un folleto anonimo durante las eleciones para la posicion de alcalde el Marzo pasado. El boletin acusaba a la srta. Lopez de solo representar a la comunidad Hispana y que todo lo que ella mandaba, el alcalde (entonces candidato) dennis pilla, tenia que obedecer. Aparte de eso, el boletin hacia un llamadao a toda la gente no hispana a que votaran en contra de Pilla por su asociacion con la comunidad Hispana, por medio de su consejera politica, quien era la srta. Lopez.

Este escritor habia escrito en previos mensajes, que todo salio a la luz cuando Bart Didden tuvo que testificar en la corte federal, y es ahi cuando admitio que el habia creado este boletin anonimo con la ayuda del Concejal John Crane, y el ex-presidente de la Junta de Educacion, Dom Bencivenga, que fue derrotado este ano durante las elecciones de educacion el mayo pasado.

Pero el cuento no para ahi... hemos descubierto, al hacer una investigacion por medio del Journal News y su blog de escritores, que el senor didden sigue atacando a la srta. lopez y a los Hispanos en general, aqui hay algunos ejemplos:

El Senor Didden escribe:
"The general belief is that Ms. Lopez's focus is solely supporting Hispanics here in Port Chester and surrounding communities. Unfortunately her actions speak volumes to this statement and there is no denying it.

Our problems are simple, over crowding, schools that could and should be better and density that is beyond the community’s ability to support it which is resulting in falling property values and tax increases."

"El sentimiento general es que el enfoque de la Srta. Lopez es de solo apoyar a los Hispanos de Port Chester y de las comunidades alrededor. Desafortunadamente, sus acciones hablan volumenes de lo que estoy diciendo y no hay porque negarlo.

Nuestros problemas son simples - la sobrepoblacion de personas en viviendas, escuelas que pueden y deben de ser mejores, y densidad que va mas alla de la abilidad de esta comunidad para soportarlo - en lo que resulta en la bajada de valores de propiedad e incrementos en los impuestos."

En ester comentario, es obvio que el senor didden sugiere que la srta lopez apoya a los Hispanos y tambien a los problemas supuestamente causados por la poblacion Hispana que vive en este pueblo.

Aqui va otro comentario:
"The other flaw in the DOJ position is that there is no country called "Hispanic". The fact is that neighboring countries in Central and South America are either warring against each other or has border disputes constantly.

If these "Hispanic" governments had concern for others and other countries they would be as tough on the drug trade as this country that we live in. Drugs rob the potential life dreams from all people that take the drugs to all the family and friends around them. Drugs terminate the lives of those who have such potential to make a difference that is hurts the community as a whole, whether its Port Chester or not.

The problem is that there is no consensus in the Hispanic community as I believe that Hispanics gravitate more to the views of the country they come from rather than "Hispanic".

Hispanic, the way it is used by the DOJ, the members of the Board of Trustees and those that write here on this page is so generic that it is really a disservice to the Latinos across the country.

Back to Ms. Lopez, during her presentation of credentials for a board appointment she stated that she “has witnessed” overcrowded apartments, illegal apartments in attics and basements and “cockroach” infested living conditions.

What has Ms. Lopez done for these people?

She should have called the Village Building Department, or her good friends Pilla and Brakewood and reported such sub-human living conditions that are code violations.

Ms. Lopez has a duty to report these conditions since she is a committee member of a Village project and an appointed member to the Master Plan Advisory Committee. Failure to report should be a violation of the Village Code of Ethics."

En estos comentarios, el senor didden dice que los Hispanos vienen en paises que estan constantemente en guerra entre ellos, y que nosotros somos problematicos. Que nosotros como Hispanos hemos creado el problema de la droga que ahora invade a este pais. Que por medio de nuestro apoyo a la droga, hemos malogrado las vidas de los ciudanos estadounidenses y que nosotros, como hispanos hemos causando tantos problemas aca. Obviamente, el Senor Didden no sabe de la historia del envolvimiento del gobierno estadounidence en Latino America, y tampoco sabe sobre como las drogas entraron a ester pais. Claro, como lo va saber, si el senor nunca termino la universidad. Mas ignoracia, tan evidiente.

Despues sigue atacando a lopez diciendo que ella, al escuchar su presentacion para ser nominada a la posicion de concejal, habla sobre las situaciones dificiles de las viviendas , pero que ella, (basado en su opinion de el) - no a hecho nada para ayudar a esta gente. Pero, como sabe Bart que ella no ha reportado estas condiciones al departamento de edificacion, Derrepente, seria mejor que la srta. lopez reporte a Bart por operar un negocio en un edificio que no tiene certificado de ocupacion - esta es una violacion grande. Hay que pensarlo, si la srta. lopez no reporta las violaciones, porque es que la he visto en las cortes locales ayudando a inquilinos que tienen problemas con sus apartamentos cuales duenos no quieren reparar?
Porque es que veo a la srta lopez apopyando por viviendas equitativas, y simpre leo sobre ella y su trabajo cuando el periodico jounal news escribe historias sobre problemas o temas relacionados a la vivienda? Bart...ya para.

Aparte de esto, el dice que la srta. lopez debe ser reportada a la comision de etica al no ayudar a la gente - estas palabras viene de este senor, que mando una boletin anomino encontra de la srta. lopez e hispanos en general, y bien campante tiene un lugar en la comision de planificacion de este pueblo, sin tener ningun temor de que el mismo sea reportado a la comision de etica

Estos comentarios de este senor son absurdos e ignorantes. Este persona sigue insultando porque cree que el esta correcto en sus palabras. Ya basta senor didden, de insultar a la gente hispana, que es trabajadora y luchadora. Ya basta de insultar a personas como la srta. lopez que es una mujer respetada por la comunidad entera - no solo en Port Chester pero por todo el condado. Que ha hecho el senor didden para esta comunidad, aparte de meterle juicio al pueblo, y
tratar de obtener lo que quiere por medio de insultos y amenazas?


Para leer mas sobre el comentario del senor didden y de otros haga click aqui: http://forums.nyjournalnews.com/viewtopic.php?t=41536&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15

Monday, December 10, 2007

Who won the debate?

The Republican Presidential debate which took place last night on Univision was interesting. But which candidate had the best responses or ideas for Hispanic voters?

It is the opinion of this writer that none of the candidates had any good proposals or ideas to help or represent Hispanic voters. But, I don't think that readers disagree with this opinion. However, it is a good step forward that the republican candidates have participated in this debate to share with Hispanics their ideas, beliefs, and values.

Seven of the eight Republican candidates were present at last night's debtate. The only candidate who did not participate was Congressman Tom Tancredo, who thinks that by participating in such an event, in some crazy way it is helping undocumented Hispanic immigrants. Well, if there was anybody that lost in this debate, it was certainly him. Hispanic voters would have more respect for him if he had shown up to the debate and explained his stance on illegal immigration and Hispanics. Instead, he decided not to attend, and continue his bigotted platform somewhere else...

Quien Gano el Debate?

El debate de los Republicanos que tomo lugar ayer estuvo interesante. Pero quien tuvo las mejores respuestas y propuestas para los votantes Hispanos.?

Es la opinion de este escritor que ninguno de los candidatos republicanos tenian propuestas para mejorar y audar a la poblacion Hispana. Pero, no creo que ninguno de nosotros, pesabamos diferente. Pero, si es un buen paso que los Republicanos hayan participado en este debate, para compartir con la gente Hispana sobre sus ideas, creencias, y valores.

Siete de los ocho candidatos estuvieron presentes. El unico que no fue era el Congresista Tom Tancredo que piensa que al participar en este debate en Espanol y por una cadena Hispana, se esta ayudando a los Hispanos inmigrantes que indocumentados. Bueno, si hay alguien que perdio en este debate, el premio va para el congresista Tancredo. Creo que los votantes Hispanos hubieran tenido mas respeto por el si el hubiera explicado su opinion sobre la inmigracion illegal y su opinion sobre la comunidad Latina. Pero lo que decidio hacer es no asistir al evento, y continuar con su plataforma intolerante por otra parte.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Esta noche debate de candidatos presidenciales Republicanos

Esta noche, la cadena Univision, hara historia al transmitir el primer debate presidencial de candidatos Republicanos en espanol. El debate entre estos candidatos sera para adquirir votos Hispanos ya que en Enero empieza la temporarda de las Primerias, y en Noviembre, toma lugar el voto presidencial

Esta sera el segundo intento por esta cadena en organizar el debate republicano. La primera vez que lo intentaron, en Septiembre, solo el candidato, John McCain, habia decidido en participar. Si piensan porque, la respuesta es muy facil:

En Septiembre, todavia habia un chance en que la ley comprensiva sobre la inmigracion tendria el apoyo del congreso y senado para convertirse en ley y ayudar a muchos de nuestros hermanos y hermanans Hispanas para arreglar su situacion inmigratoria. Y solo el Senador John McCain, que habia escrito una propuesta inmigratoria con ayuda de representantes democratas habian introducido una legislacion para que sea respaldada por el gobierno estadounidense. Pero los otros candidatos estan opuestos en resolver este problema, y acuden a politicas publicas anti-inmigrante.

No se olvida de verlo, en el canal de Univision (Canal 6 en cable y empieza a las 7 p.m.). Sera chistoso ver como estos candidatos responden a la pregunta de inmigracion en frente de Hispanos. Creen que las narizes de ellos creceran en vivo?

Tonight Republican Presidential Debate in Spanish

On Sunday evening, Univision, the spanish -language network will be making history by broadcasting the first ever Presidential debate in spanish. The debate will be between Republican presidential hopeful who hope to steer the Latino vote starting in January during primary season.

This is the second attempt by the Spanish-speaking network to organize a debate among Republican presidential hopefuls. The first time they tried, right after the Democratic debate which was held in September, only John McCain was willing to debate. Gee, I wonder if it was because the immigration bill was still on the table, and none of them except for McCain, who at that time had co=sponsored a bipartisan immigration bill, was willing to talk about it.

So watch it, on Univision (channel 6 if you have cablevision at 7 p.m.!!) It will be great to see how they deflect the immigration question

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Quien es Mary Dudas?

No se si ustedes se han dado cuenta de el nombre, "Mary Dudas," escrito por varias partes en Port Chester y tambien en el autopista 95. Entonces, quien es Mary Dudas, y porque es que su nombre, escrita en grafiti, es acompanado por las palabras, "for president," (para presidente) y "Vote for Mary Dudas," (vote para Mary Dudas."

Al hacer una investigacion y platicar con varias personas, el significado de este nombre y la razon por la que existe por todas partes, especialmente en Port Chester, es un poco inquietante.

Basado en la informacion obtenida por personas que dicen que saben sobre el significado de ester nombre, Mary Dudas es una mujer que, mientras estuvo drogada, estaba manejando por la Boston Post Road, y mato a dos o tres hombres Hispanos que habian terminado de trabajar tarde en la noche en el Port Chester Diner y estaban en camino a casa.

Yo no tengo que explicar esta connecion, ya que me parece evidente - entre las palabras "Mary Dudas," escritas por todo Port Chester y la muerte de dos o tres Hispanos; pero si es inquietante que esta conneccion existe - celebrando el nombre de una mujer blanca, no Hispana, y la matanza de dos o mas hispanos, en un pueblo donde el tema de la inmigracion y los estereotipos negativos que se ha marcado en los Hispanos que viven en este pueblo.

Que creen de este tema? Si alguien tiene mas informacion o otra teoria, por favor compartan sus ideas....

Who is Mary Dudas?

I dont know about you, but I've been seeing the name "Mary Dudas" in various parts of Port Chester and also along I95. So who is Mary Dudas, and why is her name written in graffiti all around town, accompanied with the words, "Mary Dudas for President" or "vote for Mary Dudas."

After doing some investigating and asking several sources, the significance of her name and the reasoning for it being everywhere, especially in Port Chester, is somewhat if not very disturbing.

According to certain people, who say that they know the story behind these tags on public property, Mary Dudas was the woman who, while high on drugs, struck and killed two or three Hispanic males who were walking home from their job, at at the Port Chester Diner, late at night.

I don't have to explain the connection, as I think it is pretty self explanatory - between "mary dudas" signs all over the village and the death of two or three Hispanic men, but it is disturbing that such connection or insinuation exists - celebrating a non-Hispanic white woman for killing two or more Hispanics instantly, in a village where issues on illegal immigration and the negative stereotypes branded on Hispanics exist....

What do you think? If anyone has any other information or would like to share their conspiracy theory, please do....

Sources say that Mary Dudas, was a

Monday, December 3, 2007

Port Chester High School Receives $50,000 to renovate its library and media center

Thanks to the Tamarack Tower Foundation, a private foundation whose mission is to financially support the Port Chester schools and students, Port Chester High School will receive $50,000 to make needed repairs to its library and media center. The repairs will entail changing the carpeting, updating its furnishings, and repairing the ceiling and lights.

Funds were raised by way of an event organized by the foundation to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the high school. Congratulations PCHS!

La escuela secundaria de Port Chester recibe $50,000 para remodelar la biblioteca y Media Center

Gracias a la Fundacion Tamarack Tower, una fundacion privada que apoya a las escuelas publicas y a los estudiantes de Port Chester, la escuela secudaria recibira $50,000 para hacer reparaciones en su biblioteca. Las reparaciones sera relacionados a cambiar la alfombra, reparar los escritorios y los muebles, y reparar el techo y las luces.

Los fondos fueron recautados por medio de un evento que la fundacion organizo para celebrar los 75 anos de la escuela secundaria. Felicidades al colegio secundario de Port Chester!

Encuesta: Muchos adultos de origen Hispano dicen que hablan el Ingles muy bien

Encuesta: Muchos adultos de origen Hispano dicen que hablan el Ingles muy bienLa mayoria de Hispanos adultos en los Estados Unidos dicen que hablan el Ingles muy bien o que dominan el idioma, dice una nueva encuesta.

"El uso de Ingles entre los Hispanos en los Estados Unidos" es un reporte que fue publicado ayer por el Pew Hispanic Center, una organizacion basada en Washington, D.C. Mas de 14,000 adultos Hispanos en este pais fueron entervistados por esta organizacion. Ademas de preguntar sobre su abilidad de hablar el Ingles, la encuesta pregunto sobre la educacion, la discriminacion, y sus abilidades bilingues.

Basado en la encuesta, casi dos tercios de Hispanos inmigrantes con titulos de universidad dicen que hablan el Ingles muy bien. En Port Chester, el Senor Julio Telles, de 35 anos, es un asistente medico, dice que estudio el Ingles basico en su pais natal y que obtuvo su titulo de diseno grafico en la universidad antes de llegar a los Estados Unidos. Para mas informacion, lea el articulo del periodico Journal News

Survey: Most adult Hispanics say they speak English well

Survey: Most adult Hispanics say they speak English well

Source: The Journal News

The majority of adult Hispanics in the United States say they speak English fluently or pretty well, according to a new survey.

"English Usage Among Hispanics in the United States" is a report released yesterday about 14,000 Hispanic adults in the United States surveyed by the Pew Hispanic Center in Washington. Besides asking Hispanics to rate their fluency in English, the survey asked about education, discrimination and bilingual abilities.....Nearly two-thirds of Hispanic immigrants with college degrees say they speak English very well. In Port Chester, Diego Telles, 35, a medical assistant, said he studied basic English in his native Panama and graphic design in college before ...

For Hispanic Immigrants, Bias isn't only barrier to housing...

There are various obstacles in trying to find decent housing, but for Hispanic immigrants, it is not only bias, but also exploitation.

The article printed on the Journal News this past Sunday, discusses exploitation faced by Hispanic immigrants while trying to rent or purchase housing.

Blanca Lopez , Program Director of the Neighborhood Preservation Co., a housing program based in Port Chester commented that there are many landlords who do not want to rent to families with children. She said, "We get families that are just astounded that owners won't rent to (families with) children." While Lopez said she has seen instances of discrimination against Hispanic immigrants, she agrees the bigger problem is exploitation. In other words, tenants put up with small apartments and astronomical rents because that's all there is. And homebuyers are misled into taking on loans they can't afford.

For Hispanic Immigrants, Bias isn't only barrier to housing...

La explotacion de Hispanos inmigrantes en el campo de viviendas

La explotacion de Hispanos inmigrantes en el campo de la vivienda

Hay varios obstaculos para obtener vivienda decente, pero para los Hispanos inmigrantes, no solo es el prejuicio encontra de ellos, tambien es la explotacion.

El articulo del Journal News que salio este Domingo, 2 de Diciembre, habla sobre la explotacion que encuentran los Hispanos inmigrantes al tratar de conseguir viviendas por medio del alquiler o de compra.

En ester articulo, entrevistan a la Srta. Blanca Lopez que comento que en su profesion como Directora del Neighborhood Preservation Company, un programa de vivienda localizado en Port Chester, hay muchos duenos de viviendas que no quieren rentar a familias que tienen ninos. Ella comento, "Vemos a muchas familias que estan asombradoas que existen duenos que no quieren rentar a personas con ninos." Y tambien, que aunque ha visto casos de discriminacion encontra de Hispanos inmigrantes, el problema mas grande es la explotacion -revelando que los inquilinos Hispanos viven en pequenos apartamentos y pagan rentas astronomicas porque no existe vivendas con bajas rentas, y que los compradores de casa que son Hispanos e inmigrantes son enganados al obtener hipotecas que son caras y que al largo plazo no podran pagar.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Latest Development with Port Chester's Library

New developments with the funding and name change of the Port Chester Library. Read article for more information.

Que pasa con la Biblioteca de Port Chester?

Biblioteca de Port Chester - con problemas?

Ha habido un gran lio sobre los fondos de la biblioteca y tambien el nombre oficial de la biblioteca.

Historicamente, la biblioteca, localizada en Port Chester, sirve a los residentes de Port Chester. Antes, como hace 30 anos, la parte donde es Rye Brook, tambien pertenecia a Port Chester. Pero cuando Rye Brook decidio independizarse de Port Chester y formar su propia municipalidad, la Biblioteca todavia servia y sigue sirviendo a los residents de las dos comunidades.

En los ultimos anos, y especialmente en este ano, ha habido bastantes quejas sobre el dinero que cada municipalidad le da a la biblioteca. Usualmente, el pueblo de Port Chester le da el 70% de los fondos para sostener a la biblioteca, y el pueblo de Rye Brook le da el 30% a la biblioteca. Pero ahora, el Pueblo de Port Chester quiere que Rye Brook pague mas dinero para ayudar a la biblioteca, ya que los gastos son mas y los servicios son mas.

Rye Brook ha dicho que daria mas dinero a la biblioteca con al condicion que el nombre de la Biblioteca sea cambiado al "Port Chester -Rye Brook Public Library" en vez de "Port Chester Public Library."

Ahora hay pleitos entre los residentes de Port Chester porque algunos no quiren que el nombre cambien y a otros no les importa, pero lo que importa es que Rye Brook de mas dinero.

Otro punto para considerar es que los miembros de Junta de la Biblioteca son escogidos por la misma junta y no por la municipalidad o por elecciones publicas.

Para mas informacion, lea el articulo del Journal News

Las elecciones locales seran en Marzo 2008

Las elecciones en Port Chester seran en Marzo...pero eso si el Juez Federal Robinson no lo para .

Aunque todavia no hay una decision final en el caso legal enter el Pueblo de Port Chester y el Dept. de Justicia de los Estados Unidos, y aunque el Juez Robinson, ya ha indicado que hay una posibilidad muy grande que su decision final sea encontra del pueblo de Port Chester por violar los derechos de los votantes Hispanos, la Junta de Concejales han decidido seguir con los planes de tener elecciones en Marzo, como tradicionalmente se a hecho.

Lee el reporte del Journal News

PC Elections will Proceed

Village elections in March will proceed says the BOT....unless Judge Robinson stops it....again....

So what happened with the Trustee appointments?

Many have been asking about the English translation to the last post, so nice to see that our blog is getting around...here it is:

When Mayor Dennis Pilla invited Port Chester residents to submit their letters of interests and resumes for village trustee appointments, three Hispanics answered Pilla's call...they were Rev. Ariel Acosta, Blanca Lopez, Director of a not for profit housing program, and Walter Quiroz, a tax accountant.

So what happened?
From the twelve candidates who sought appointments, the Board of Trustees appointed two African American men for the two open seats.

And why wasn't a Hispanic appointed?
It is not that there weren't any Hispanic candidates who were not prepared for this position. It is the opinion of this writer that Ms. Lopez was the best candidate for this position, but the two Republican Trustees, Robert Sorensen and Dominick Cicatelli, and the formerly registered Republican and now Independent Trustee, John Crane decided not to vote for her. Why?...because they felt that Lopez was too involved in politics since she was the Campaingn Chair for Trustee Brakewood and former Trustee Pilla when they ran two years ago, and also Chair for Mayor Pilla, when he ran last year. So, Lopez only received votes from Mayor Pilla and Trustee Brakewood in her quest to becoming appointed.

Wow...never in the history of Port Chester, has a Hispanic woman...an immigrant woman, I should say, like Lopez been involved in promoting change for this community and in such a short time; and that is possibly why, because of her involvement, that is has also created some backlash, because we all know that when an individual or group of people advance in this social system that we live in, there will always be people who will try to stop their progress.

So, lets analyze reasons why these three Hispanic candidates were not appointed....

Early last year, Rev. Acosta ran for Trustee with the Republican team. He ran with Mr. Cicatelli, and Bart Didden, our favorite village racist who was the mastermind behind the so called anonymous flyers where he referred to Lopez as a "wolf dressed in sheep's clothing and that she was "in bed with Pilla." It was discovered that he had assistance from current Trustee John Crane and then Board of Education President Dominick Bencivenga with the planning and editing for this flyer. Everything came out in the open when the Dept. of Justice questioned Didden and he immediately vomited to the feds everything he knew and those involved.

So, it seems that although Rev. Acosta wanted to become involved in this campaign to promote Hispanic participation and most importantly, get the Hispanic vote, the Republicans used him to promote their stance with Hispanics and to show the feds that they had recruited a Hispanic to run with them. Sadly, although Rev. Acosta wanted to be appointed to one of the open trustee spots, nobody voted for him, not even his republican counterparts, Cicatelli or Sorensen. I think that the Republicans used Acosta for their own benefit, and when he needed them they left him out to dry. Poor Reverend, he did not deserve this.

Mr. Quiroz also submitted his resume like a good citizen, but I do not think that he knew much about what this position entailed.

Well, so now lets analyze why Lopez was not appointed, and this will be easy:

First, there is a rumor in PC that Trustee Sorensen wants to run for mayor in two years, and for trustee this coming March, so now he has to work very hard to please the Republican party and he needs to strenghten his position in it. The problem with Sorensen is that he owes a lot of money to the village because he has not paid his parking tickets. I do not think that PC voters will suppot a candidate who owes money to the village and who has shown to be a bad example for village voters. Maybe Sorensen should give up some or all of the $5k he gets from serving as trustee every year, and maybe that will satisfy his debt.

On the other hand. Mr. Cicatelli just looks lost....he lost the mayoral election, and now he is serving a term that has already expired. It seems that his vote against Lopez, was simply for revenge.... well, that's politics.

So what about Crane....who changed his party affiliation from Republican to Independent a couple of months ago, and who also wanted to be appointed Village justice earlier this year. Unfortunately, Crane, an attorney, represents landlords like Great American, who exploit Hispanics and rent "problematic" apartments and rooms. Seeing how Lopez works in the housing area and knows about housing policies and laws, she may have been seen as a challenge for Crane. Also, it is not surprising that he voted against her since he was involved in the creation of the flyer which was sent to every voter in Port Chester.

There are so many things going on in this little village. It reminds me of a Mexican soap called "Pueblo Chico, Infierno Grande." But, we have to recognize that the appointments made by the trustees was a slap in the face to Hispanics. How is it possible that in a community with a large Hispanic population, there is no Hispanic representative? However, it is also important to understand that if and when a Hispanic candidate runs for office, he or she must be professionally prepared and want what is best for the entire community. But that person must also know about the problems and challenges faced by immigrants as they acculturate into American society.

It is important that we as voters learn and understand each candidate's platforms and the relationship that they will have or have with the Hispanic community, in order to be assured that they will perform a responsible job once in office.

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